emcee profile
Siân Jones
Siân Jones is a dynamic conference host, facilitator, TV presenter and international speaker coach. As an on line facilitator in the past 18 months, Siân has stepped into the virtual spotlight with ease.

Utilizing her news reader, (ITV, CNBC, Sky News, Bloomberg, 5) performance and acting background she has seamlessly navigated numerous on line experiences, managing virtual polls, Q&A’s and discussions, brainstorming with delegates on a variety of virtual platforms and chatting with CEO’s, interviewing leaders and guest speakers for companies including The Phoenix Group, Experian, Astelllas, Dassault Systemes, Costain and Compare the Market, to name a few. Over the years Siân has worked as a conference host and presenter extensively for banks, insurance, pharmaceuticals, pensions, housing, law firms, financial services, telecoms, food and beverage, media and leisure companies, education establishments and charities both face to face and on line.
emcee profile